"I want to write about silence, the things people don't say"


I don't know how I ended up there but yeah, I did. And in front of my doorstep was a lovely junior of mine, looking for someone else and yet, ceased on with me. I was never that close to anyone but somehow it just felt right chatting up with her.

She talked about her life, what was going in and out of her current situation and how she was planning on tying a knot. Wow, too soon, I thought. But it was never a question since she was the apple of everyone's eyes, the girl next door, the maiden any lad would hope for.

With whom? I asked her- no angst, no doubts, no nothing. Nein.

And his name strayed on her lips.

His name.

You couldn't imagine how devastated I was when she continued on telling his sweet acts towards her. How he had stayed up late, sending messages just to check up on her- his flirty, cunning innocent ways. Just like he did to me. The exact. same. thing. Albeit the lump in my throat I felt during that sensational moment I kept on asking more as if no hearts were shattered; no hopes were crushed; no love was thrown to waste- her words couldn't break me, I was already broken. 

And with no angst, no doubts, no nothing, she boasted up all about the two-faced goody two-shoes split tongued split personality screwed guy as if nothing had happened. Nein.


What I thought were tears, were actually beads of perspiration streaming down my face as I woke up out of the sudden from sleep. What a nightmare, I heaved out a sigh.

It took me a while to realize that my dream was actually the missing pieces to the bigger picture I was having difficulties solving with as I have dug too deep, fell too hard and gotten both my feet in cloud 9. No wonder he was always up at 2 and 3 in the morning. No wonder there were so many girls commenting on his default, tagging him on their status. No wonder all of my friends were telling me to stop developing infatuation. No heck of a wonder.

Crush, crushes you.

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