"I want to write about silence, the things people don't say"


It is when you wake up drenched
in tears that you realise what you have dreamt
is the thing you fear losing
the most

That one misty morning before we had PE

"Kenapa lelaki selalu macamni?"

nanti datanglah yang perfect"

- 7.00AM, 24.07.16

We Don't Know We Don't Know

To say that the light transfigures a window,
says nothing about the view.


It is as if the light of the fire that burns,
and not the heat at the heart of it.

A Question

Is it him
who splurge too much
of his life details
like they're no
is it you
who somehow set
your ears
and blurred
other people's
for the sake of hearing him
word by word
just because
it is him?

Evening talks

when you look at people's jersey number
do you ever wonder
why in their life those digits matter?

The boy whose name has been my facebook password since 2012

He used to feel timid about his teeth
You could see through his sheepish smile in old films
But now he grins the brightest
And I guess he grew out of his insecurities
Like he grew off me.

He didn't suffer as many heartbreaks-
I guess he wasn't even in love with the girls he has been with
To surpass the stage
I mean, how can your heart be broken
If you were the one thrusting it since the beginning?
You would not betray yourself
Even he knows that
But he stood with this lass
And perhaps maybe it is because he believes
she's his last

He used to be the sidecast
(Or was it only him who felt that way?)
But now his life is being illuminated by the limelight
All-rounder boy; excellent in academics, a star in sports
And I guess that's okay
Things fell apart
Sadly people do,